
Post Amputation Procedure

Small Miracles everyday since 1977

The Post-Amputation Process

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Completing Surgery

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Meeting Your Prosthetist

It is essential to have a certified and licensed prosthetist throughout this process, ideally one with an office that is conveniently located nearby who you can build a great rapport with.

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Discharging from Hospital

You will be discharged to either a rehabilitation facility or your home. Call and let us know soon after you arrive so we can schedule a follow up visit with you.

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Removing Your Stitches/Shrinker Approval

Once a vascular doctor has removed your stitches and given you clearance to start wearing a prosthetic shrinker, contact us at 1-800-735-4627 so that we can provide you with a shrinker.

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Wearing Your Shrinker 24/7

By wearing your prosthetic shrinker as much as possible, you will help reduce the swelling in your residual limb and prepare you for your prosthesis.

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Casting for Your Prosthesis

We will measure your residual limb and discuss prosthetic options with you that will best meet your needs.

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Fitting Your Prosthesis

We will fit you with a prosthesis (artificial limb) then help you get up and stand on your leg, and take some steps to make sure it is comfortable.

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Starting Physical Therapy

You will receive physical therapy while wearing your prosthesis to ensure you are safely using it and are working towards your goals. Your prosthetist will work together with your physical therapist(s) and come to your appointments when needed.

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Excellence in Prosthetics

At Lawall, our many years of experience in innovative research and technology has helped make us a leader in prosthetics. Our goal when we opened in 1977 was the same as it is now––to see our patients living as independently as possible.

Lawall prides itself on the manner in which we treat our patients and the quality of devices we provide. Despite our growth, the company has never lost sight of its origin. We continue to always care deeply and improve constantly.

We understand that amputation not only affects a person physically, it affects every area
of an individual’s life. We stand ready to support you throughout the entire process and are committed to getting you back to doing the things you love.

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