
Lawall’s Blog

Prosthetics & Orthotics News and Patient Stories

Unveiling Innovations in Prosthetics & Orthotics

Top-quality prosthetics and orthotics with expert care personalized for you.


The Future is Here: Top Advancements in Prosthetic Technology

Technological advancement has continued to explode as the decades pass, with something new and exciting growing weekly. The field of prosthetics has not been immune to these improvements, either, seeing significant advancements that improve not only the accessibility of prosthetics but also their capability and safety.

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Balthazar Rubio: Making Molehills Out of Mountains… and Pedaling Toward Everest

A high-energy, cut-to-the-chase problem solver, Rubio was active as trial advocate, litigator and negotiator on behalf of clients at his law practice in Upper Darby, PA. He was physically active, too, with his favorite activities including rock climbing, skydiving, whitewater rafting, and cycling. Just-married (17 days), he was on his way to his obstetrician/gynecologist wife’s graduation ceremony when everything changed in an instant: A negligent driver strayed from her lane and crashed into Rubio’s motorcycle (then into another car and the guardrail), sending him airborne. He sustained multiple serious injuries that left him in a coma for 13 days, awakening with virtually no memory of the accident or its aftermath.

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“I’m Walking!” Lawall Patient Sets Record with New C-Brace Technology

From the time he was a young child who experienced a playground incident that gave him whiplash and a neck injury, Jerry Cronin had also been subject to periods of lower back pain that he took in stride, as a normal part of life. But increasing problems with herniated disks and more frequent bouts of increasingly intense pain through his teens and college years finally brought him, at age 35, to emergency surgery, partial paralysis, and the opportunity to become the youngest individual to try out a state of the art orthotronic solution–-and one that worked beyond his most hopeful expectations!

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prosthetic Lawall

Microprocessor knees – Everything you need to know

Choosing the right type of prosthetic can be overwhelming. Lawall Prosthetics & Orthotics has highly skilled prosthetists who can help you pick the right prosthetic for you. Call us today if you have any questions regarding microprocessor knees or any other type of prosthetic or orthotic.

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Orthotics 101: How Custom Orthotics Improve Daily Life

More commonly known as splints, braces, or foot inserts, orthotics are used by those needing extra support. Whether from how their body was born or a condition that builds over the years, orthotics can relieve pain, improve mobility, and increase your quality of life.

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