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Balthazar Rubio: Making Molehills Out of Mountains… and Pedaling Toward Everest

A high-energy, cut-to-the-chase problem solver, Rubio was active as trial advocate, litigator and negotiator on behalf of clients at his law practice in Upper Darby, PA. He was physically active, too, with his favorite activities including rock climbing, skydiving, whitewater rafting, and cycling. Just-married (17 days), he was on his way to his obstetrician/gynecologist wife’s graduation ceremony when everything changed in an instant: A negligent driver strayed from her lane and crashed into Rubio’s motorcycle (then into another car and the guardrail), sending him airborne. He sustained multiple serious injuries that left him in a coma for 13 days, awakening with virtually no memory of the accident or its aftermath.

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prosthetics, Blog, Meet Our Patients

Clark Deardorff: Strength to Start Over

It’s a possibility most of us can’t even begin to imagine: You go to bed feeling unwell, and awaken 2 ½ months later to discover that all four of your limbs have been amputated: that your life as an active husband, parent, coach and neighbor is forever changed.

This is the reality that faced 36-year-old Clark Deardorff of Harleysville, Pennsylvania, when he regained awareness in September 2017 at Lehigh Valley Hospital in Allentown, following an induced coma.

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prosthetics, Blog, Meet Our Patients

Hunter Takes Aim at a More Active Outdoor Life…

…and Bill McConnell doesn’t often miss what he aims at! A gun enthusiast and longtime hunter, he refused to allow severe damage to his right leg to stand in the way of doing the things he loves. And now, after a transtibial (below-the-knee) amputation and a new prosthetic Proprio Foot, he’s picking up the pace in pursuing his favorite activities.

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prosthetics, Blog, Meet Our Patients

Wonder Woman: Megan Yocum

Read the inspiring story of Megan Yocum, a Lawall patient and amputee who overcame significant mobility challenges with the help of our experienced team of certified prosthetists. Discover how our personalized care and support helped Megan achieve her goals and improve her quality of life. Visit our website to read Megan’s story and learn more about Lawall’s prosthetics and orthotics services.

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prosthetics, Blog, Meet Our Patients

Lessons from the Past… Stephanie Elliott

You might say that Stephanie Elliott’s journey as an amputee has been illuminated and brightened by her past experiences—and by lessons she hadn’t been aware she was learning, until she needed them.

That journey began on Dec. 28, 2020, at the height of the pandemic. She arrived at the emergency room with her left leg dramatically swollen, due in part to diabetic complications. After a three-day battle, she lost the leg due to sepsis.

“It was sad, it was sudden; and because of the Covid lockdown, nobody could be with me at the hospital,” she remembers. “My daughter had to drop me off at the ER. My husband had to dial in to participate in the amputation discussion with the vascular surgeon.”

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prosthetics, Blog, Meet Our Patients

Dan McDevitt

My name is Dan McDevitt I am an amputee, I got my first amputation done at age nine, and then I got my second amputation at age 11. I’m able to do whatever everyone else can, I’m able to run, I’m able to jump, and I’m able to climb. I live a normal life if I wear long pants, people can’t tell that I’m disabled, and that’s a good thing to know. I have the unique perspective of patient and employee at the same time I’ve been Lawall’s patient since I was five years old and now, I’m 31.

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prosthetics, Blog, Meet Our Patients

Justin Salvatera

My name is Justin Salvatera and I have been an amputee for over 20 years. When I was a child, only 12 years old, I lost my leg due to cancer. I had a bone tumor, and it was tough, but we were really fortunate to catch it early. I had a slow recovery due to some other medical things, so I was on crutches for a long time. When I did finally get a prosthesis, it was really a big day, it was certainly a new way of life.

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prosthetics, Blog, Meet Our Patients

Lee Baker

My name is Lee Baker and I spent 20 years working as a carpenter until I found out that I had a soft tissue Sarcoma. My doctors, family, and I spent five years fighting to keep my leg, and then finally we had no choice but to amputate it, doctors had never really seen somebody with a hip disarticulation succeed with a prosthetic leg.

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prosthetics, Blog, Meet Our Patients

Meet Renee

Renee Jones is a Physical Therapist and mom of 2 rambunctious boys who are 16 and 8 and she is always running around with them. Renee is in a unique position being a home care physical therapist and an amputee. Sometimes patients are not sure what to make of it all. But the majority of the people Renee works with see her as an inspiration, she reports they often say

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