“From the time I first met Sudan—when he was two years old,” Bash recalls “—his therapist said, ‘Wait till you see this kid! His deficit does not slow him down a bit!’ Even at that young age, he was full throttle!”
That created a challenge for Bash: “He used to break everything, no matter what we made!” Bash marvels. “The challenge was to beef it up enough that he wouldn’t break it—yet not make it so heavy and bulky that he couldn’t actually move, since he’s a little guy. He’s doing real well!”
Kim describes Sudan as an outdoor kid who loves summer camp, fishing and boating, and enjoys everything, including Nerf ball fights with his sisters—one of whom participates more or less in self-defense!
“He was in a basketball league last year, and will be on the team his second year when the season begins; he was in Little League this past summer, and he also plays percussion in the band—drums, cymbals, and xylophone,” she enumerates. “And he’s been invited to audition for the honors band in the spring.”
He also loves playing active competitive games like gaga ball, where his agility helps him excel.
“Nothing keeps the boy down!” Kim exclaims, with a mother’s pride. “Sudan’s philosophy is ‘Never think you can’t do something!’ He likes to live the most normal life possible, from participation at school to home life (and what could be more normal than the usual spats and interaction with his sisters?). He wants to do and try anything he can to be normal.
“Every day is a new adventure,” she concludes with a smile.