
Dan McDevitt

My name is Dan McDevitt I am an amputee, I got my first amputation done at age nine, and then I got my second amputation at age 11. I’m able to do whatever everyone else can, I’m able to run, I’m able to jump, and I’m able to climb. I live a normal life if I wear long pants, people can’t tell that I’m disabled, and that’s a good thing to know. I have the unique perspective of patient and employee at the same time I’ve been Lawall’s patient since I was five years old and now, I’m 31.

I like how Lawall creates a family-like atmosphere, they treat you like that you’re one of their own children. They really do care about you, asking about how your family’s doing, what are your hobbies like, and then if there’s any way, they can help you. Lawall Prosthetics is able to help you out if they can, they always go above and beyond with all of their patients. I’m an employee, but regardless of that, they still do whatever they can to help. The prosthetic legs they gave me provided me a higher quality of life. If I didn’t receive the great care that Lawall provided me, I don’t think I would be the person I am today.

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