
Meet Our Patients

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Meet Our Patients, Blog, Pediatrics

Joanna and Nathanael Costa: Turning Limitations into Gifts

Meet Joanna and Nathanael, two extraordinary siblings with arthrogryposis who have turned their challenges into triumphs. Despite their physical limitations, these resilient individuals have not only undergone corrective surgery but also engage actively in sled hockey and other sports! Joanna, with her deft command over the piano and proficiency in Accounting and Spanish, is a testament to the indomitable human spirit. Equally remarkable, Nathanael uses his knack for computer science to better the lives of others by developing a mobile app that helps students with disabilities. Their mother, Nancy, underscores the significance of a strong medical support system for success. Together, they showcase the strength of faith, the importance of self-worth, and the power of resilience.

prosthetics, Blog, Meet Our Patients, Pediatrics

Teen Athlete Springs Into Action Despite Amputation

All young ladies dream dreams: but while 16-year-old Rachel Buckley is dreaming, she’s also busy designing cities and kicking soccer balls with an energy and enthusiasm that raises the bar for her peers. Instead of slowing her down, the prosthetic leg and soccer-customized Cheetah foot she wears seem to motivate Rachel not only to keep up with her able-bodied teammates, but to do more—and do it faster and better every time.

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Jim Davis: Battling Diabetes… and Keeping a Promise

Facing diabetes from a young age, Jim Davis allowed it to shape him, not define him. Despite suffering severe health complications, his unwavering resilience triumphed. Post-gastric sleeve surgery, and after shedding significant weight, his determination soared to new heights as he participated in the Tour de Cure bike ride. With an unshakable support system comprising of family, healthcare team, and prosthetists, Jim has turned his life around and is steadfastly setting ambitious goals for the future. His story is a testament that no matter the adversity, with determination and support, progress and rehabilitation is always possible.

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Family Overcomes International Mobility Challenges

The stork can only claim part of the credit for the family created by Guy and Linda Reid and their three exceptional children: Emily (7); Sarah (10) and Matthew (11). Although the Reid’s three children were adopted at different times over a three-year period, and were born into different Chinese families, people often ask Linda if they’re siblings. “They are now!” she laughs. “Many people think they’re triplets. That’s funny.”

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prosthetics, Blog, Meet Our Patients

Izzeddin Alnawasra: Walking Home to Gaza

The rigors of daily life in a war zone are unimaginable to many; it’s a world filled with hardships, insecurities, and very real dangers to life and limb. Izzeddin Alnawasra, a 15-year old survivor of such a life, lost his leg in a traumatic amputation after sustaining a gunshot wound in May 2018. He later came from Gaza, a Palestinian territory on the eastern coast of the Mediterranean Sea, to the United States, and arrived in a wheelchair—but “with a smile that would light up his whole face!” remembers Mike Kelly, CP, Izz’s prosthetist at Lawall.

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Meet Our Patients, Blog, Pediatrics

Jade: The Miracle Within Yourself

Jade was 14 years old when her healthy life took an unexpected turn. Her symptoms started with drooling, blurred speech, being tired all the time, and a loss of balance. As a young teenager she found herself embarrassed and unwilling to talk about her symptoms with others. She was scared and unsure of what was going on with her health. It wasn’t until she was physically unable to eat her dinner one night that her mom took her to the hospital. gif maker 5
prosthetics, Blog, Meet Our Patients

Alynx Benardin: A Hand Across the Sea

The distance between Philadelphia and Fort-Liberté, Haiti, is more than 1,450 miles, and the two cities are worlds apart in many other ways, as well; but Deacon Alynx Benardin’s commitment to serve his parish and complete his path to ordination as a Catholic priest inspired others to help span that gap. Despite distance, language barriers, and pandemic travel complications, the arm Benardin lost in a vehicle accident in Haiti was successfully replaced with an above-elbow prosthesis and hand created in Philadelphia in 2020 by Lawall.

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Robert Whartenby: Attitude Is Everything

What type of individual is quoted in his medical chart as replying “all things considered doing pretty well” as he is being rushed into an ER after having his leg traumatically severed following a motorcycle accident? The same person who now proudly wears a t-shirt stating “Some Assembly Required” Hamilton Township Patrolman Robert Whartenby is a motivated individual with a fantastic perspective on life.

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Blog, Meet Our Patients, Pediatrics

Malachi Stone: One Amazing Kid

Malachi Stone was hospitalized with Pneumococcal pneumonia when he was 2 years old. Pneumococcal pneumonia is a form of pneumonia that infects the upper respiratory tract. It can then travel to the blood, lungs, ears or nervous system. It is most dangerous for children under 5 and adults over 65. For Malachi, it resulted in end stage kidney failure. Aside from being on dialysis several times a week, he also had both of his legs amputated below the knee, his left arm amputated below the elbow and several of his digits on his right hand amputated. Initially, Malachi was fit with prostheses after his amputations, but he seldom used them. He was constantly tired and the degree of swelling in his legs was always fluctuating.

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